Sunday 29 April 2007


Ok I missed this lecture as my youngest had an accident at school and I had to fetch him. He does have a brilliant black eye to prove it. All im going to say is "you should see the other boy" No seriously he only banged his head.

I would say I wasn't really a gambler but according to some who went to the lecture I most definitely am. Gambling to me is betting on the horses or going to the casino on a regular basis, this i dont do. I do however do the lottery and occasionally do the fruit machines in pubs. Well if this is the case then i'd better stop. I can see why people gamble, but why they become addicted I dont know. All I can say is there must be something missing in their lives to thrive on the excitement of thinking 'yes this time im gonna win' only to be let down for the millionth time. My excuses for doing it are there's always loads of change to get rid of on a night out and drinking too much is bad for you, and as for the lottery it's only £2 a week so where's the harm in that? It's not as if i'm lying to cover up any debts i've got into through gambling and i'd never borrow money to bet with anyway. It's definitely not worth it!

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