Tuesday 1 May 2007

Body modification

Well I'm not sure if any of the web logs I add now are going to be worth anything, being so far behind but it's got to be worth a try. Having decided not to leave uni and come back next semester (if they'll have me) i thought i should try and catch up. The lecture I enjoyed most was a few weeks back on body modification. I'm sure there's a fair few people out there who don't realise they have modified their bodies in some way, which i find quite amusing.
The extremes that some people go to are actually quite scary though and in a lot of cases not very attractive. For assignment 2 I was looking through some websites and discovered some pictures of the most pierced woman. God knows why she has done it but she looks hideous. I'm sure she could get in the Guinness Book of Records for a different reason if she tried. If I can find it I will add a link, it's definitely worth a look if you haven't seen it already!!
I must admit I have tattoos and have had piercings in the past (much to my families horror) but I think that too many can sometimes look tacky and also give people the wrong impression about the kind of person you are. Although this is wrong, it's just the way society is unfortunately.
People should be able to express their personalities however they wish without being judged or stereotyped because of the colour of their hair, or their piercings etc. Not everyone who does these things are bad, it's just the attitudes of those who don't understand that is!!



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