Sunday 29 April 2007


Ok I missed this lecture as my youngest had an accident at school and I had to fetch him. He does have a brilliant black eye to prove it. All im going to say is "you should see the other boy" No seriously he only banged his head.

I would say I wasn't really a gambler but according to some who went to the lecture I most definitely am. Gambling to me is betting on the horses or going to the casino on a regular basis, this i dont do. I do however do the lottery and occasionally do the fruit machines in pubs. Well if this is the case then i'd better stop. I can see why people gamble, but why they become addicted I dont know. All I can say is there must be something missing in their lives to thrive on the excitement of thinking 'yes this time im gonna win' only to be let down for the millionth time. My excuses for doing it are there's always loads of change to get rid of on a night out and drinking too much is bad for you, and as for the lottery it's only £2 a week so where's the harm in that? It's not as if i'm lying to cover up any debts i've got into through gambling and i'd never borrow money to bet with anyway. It's definitely not worth it!

Saturday 28 April 2007

Comment on abortion

Ok the image gets the point across but is it really necessary? There are women out there who dont really want an abortion but for some medical reasons it's better to terminate the pregnancy. For them that picture is like their worst nightmare!!! If abortions should be stopped what happens if for instance a woman is raped and becomes pregnant from this? should she keep the baby as a constant reminder, letting him/her grow up without a father, and then let them later find out how they were concieved and what kind of a man their father really is. Ok I know this is going to extremes but I dont think an issue like abortion has such a simple answer. I agree it shouldn't be made so easy and shouldn't be seen as a last resort but in certain cases (generally very few) it's the better option.

Wednesday 25 April 2007


Well to be honest i'm not that religious. I don't go to church or anything like that but do believe in God. I don't preach it to my children to me it's something they will make their own decisions about, just as I did. My Dad's a Catholic and mum's a Christian but we wont go there. I don't push my beliefs on to others and wish they wouldn't do that to me or my children for that matter. My daughter's nearly 13 and studies R.E at school much to my annoyance, (i'd prefer her to study something she will actually use when she leaves school) but today she has come home with a letter stating she HAS to go to a Sikh temple and she has to pay. I'm not completely against this but i am like, Why??? She doesn't want to go, from what she says most of the class don't want to go and if there are any Sikhs in the class don't they already go????
Well in my opinion she isn't going to benefit from this experience and she shouldn't HAVE to do this. Ok this isn't really being too religious but i need to rant about this one!

I do think that religion has a lot to answer for, and people take it to extremes. Why do people feel the need to knock on doors to preach their beliefs. Don't they think that if others wanted to know about it they would find out about it in their own time and go to the church etc on their own. Even walking around Birmingham is a nightmare as there are always people stood round with boards preaching about God. Infuriating or what, all I want to do is shop not be harassed by some random with nothing better to do than exercise his vocal chords. In my opinion this puts me off religion not draws me to it.